martedì 3 dicembre 2013

Jerusalem DVD

                   Jerusalem, which translates to "the City of Peace", has ironically been the epicenter of religious and holy violence and conflict for many years. It in the holiest city in the religion of Judaism. It is the capital of the State of Israel. The DVD we watched in class demonstrated numerous families residing in holy city and the reasons and conditions of their residence. Many people travel to Jerusalem to search for a spiritual connection to their religion, specifically Judaism. The main source of religious and violent dispute is the fact that the city is the base of multiple religions. The way that multiple religions can strive to overcome their differences towards peace in a city  is inspiring but there is still a war of religion. There is not correct or perfect religion and as compassionate human beings with a moral center, we should accept people of all faiths so we can learn to live together in harmony. If the world were to follow this, there would be a liberation of culture and religion. The one story that struck a chord with me was the one which involved a son who was not able to live his father but just his mother. The father was not a citizen of Jerusalem and therefore was forced to live outside the limits of the city. It must be emotionally difficult knowing you have to travel to a different city every week or month just to visit a loved one and an integral being of a family. 

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