giovedì 19 settembre 2013

The Shroud

The Shroud

The Shroud of Turin is believed to have held the body of Jesus Christ after he was crucified and laid in His tomb. The documentary our class watched explored the supporting and opposing evidence of the Shroud. Many followers of Christianity look upon this piece of history in awe. Many questions race around the minds of believers. Is this really the Son of God? How can we know for certain? The documentary left me with doubt. However having doubts goes along with any faith or religion. Experts placed the origins of the Shroud in the Medieval Period using radiocarbon dating, which can provide an estimate of organic materials for up to 60,000 years. I thought it was fascinating how the Shroud has survived the test of time, through erosion and fire. The dating of the cloth could have tampered with through the ages. It depicts the classic bearded Jesus that all of religious culture has conjured up in the minds of believers. The man imprinted on the cloth is certainly an icon. I find it disheartening that we will never completely know if it’s really Him. However I do not need the cloth to reaffirm my faith in Jesus Christ. I believe in Him regardless.

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